Supporting research and production in animation!
Founded in 1984, the Toronto Animated Image Society (TAIS) is an organization dedicated to exploring and promoting the art of animation through production, screenings, workshops and exhibitions. As an artist-run production centre, TAIS provides affordable access to space and equipment; offering services to independent artists who make animated films within contemporary art practices.
DEADLINE March 21st 2022 11:59pm EST
Notification: April 15th, 2022
TAIS is seeking 2 artists to engage in self-directed work, towards the completion of a new short independent animated film or video. This residency comes with a combination of monetary funding and in-kind use of studio space, equipment and resources at TAIS Studios, located at 1411 Dufferin Street, in downtown Toronto.
The Residencies are 5 weeks long, taking place between May 2022 and April 2023. The selected artist(s) will be awarded with $1500 in-kind towards 5 weeks of studio space, equipment and resources at TAIS Studios, and $2000 in cash funding for the project.
Applicants must be TAIS members (of any level) to be eligible; non-members wishing to apply may register for membership at
Member fees: $20/year Supporting Membership, $50/year Studio Membership*
*Supporting Membership: Access to discounted workshops and other perks
**Studio Membership: Access to discounted workshops, studio & equipment as well as other perks
More information available
Applicants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with TAIS equipment inventory, at
Additional items are available but not yet listed.